The Olympics are stupid

, Sunday, August 10, 2008

After a lazy Sunday afternoon with nothing better to do then watch TV I watched nearly 8 hours of Olympic coverage and have come to the conclusion that I hate the Olympics. I'm sorry I don't get into which country can best exploit 15 year old girls to do back flips on a balance beam or how Micheal Phelps can get 20 gold medals because there are about 35 different swimming events from men and women. Water Polo= Soccer-excitement+water.
The Redeem team might be the biggest joke of all. I'm really excited that D-Will gets to the recognition he deserves and gets to play for the USA, but when I hear quotes from the team that a gold medal would mean more than a Larry O'Brien trophy I want to throw up. The only sports that actually care about winning an Olympic medal are the ones that don't get a chance to win any other time. Do you think Rodger Federer would rather win an Olympic Medal instead of a Wimbledon title? The only reason they say stuff like that is to save face after America got embarrassed by not winning a gold medal with the best players on the planet because they picked 12 ball hogs that didn't once pass the ball. Whooptdy Do

I'm sorry I hate America and Freedom but the Olympics are boring. Thank god preseason football is on to give me something to do.


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